Everybody give some thoughts on this when book a photography session. Maybe you even consult with your friends or family members about what you should wear so here are some tips and tricks to make this easier for you.

The simple the better.

When you take the time, money and all the efforts to have a professional looking portrait of you or your family, you want everything to be perfect. And that’s all right. So when you are planning your outfit you really should consider to be as simple as you can. Meaning, no pattern, no bright colors, no writing etc. Neutral colors such white, black, grey, beige, or pastel colors which ever is working with your tones. If you are not sure what colors are the best for your skin- or hair tone you can always consult with your photographer.

Don’t let your outfit steal the attention from your amazing personality.


They can be useful add on items but can also ruin the whole concept. Jewelries will attract attention and can create glares on the pictures so try not to wear any or hide them as much as you can from the camera.

Although, not all accessories are your enemy. A scarf a hat or a pair of sunglasses could be amazingly creative so don’t be afraid of using them but again, choose carefully.

Makeup – Hair

This really depends on the purpose of the shooting. If you are looking for professional pictures for social media or business purposes than the safest you go with is the natural makeup. If your photographer doesn’t offer you a make up artist, then you should definitely arrange one on your own right before the shooting.

But if you do this for fun, or just want to remember how gorgeous you were on your x birthday, you can go crazy and be creative, there is no limit here. Same with the hair. The professional purposed photos requires solid but professionally done hair.

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